Lynn Strongin Dodds

About the author

COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT: Thorns in the buy-side

Firms with collateral reporting duties have stalled to meet a key regulatory deadline – but at least fears of a collateral shortfall have receded...

MIFID II: Helping hands

Many MiFID requirements are keeping the buy-side awake at night, but investor protection obligations, which entail fund manufacturers and distributors working more closely, top...

FIXED INCOME: The voters decide

While they weigh up the chances of ECB tapering, investors in sovereign bonds are keeping a wary eye on French, Dutch, German and Italian...

FUNDS: Every little helps…

Funds might wish to lend securities to cope with low returns, but regulations are not conducive, reports Lynn Strongin Dodds. Memories of securities lending going...

COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT: The invisible trade

The lack of visibility over ETF trading is holding back their use as collateral, but MiFID II could change that, finds Lynn Strongin Dodds. The...


Brazil wants the world to know about its domestic securities lending industry, which has seen a 30% hike in recent years. But infrastructure providers...

