George Mitton

About the author

SWISS EQUITIES: Defending the little guys

Switzerland’s boutique asset managers face a range of pressures. To survive, they must adapt to a highly regulated world where passive funds threaten their...


The new chief executive of Mashreq Capital talks to George Mitton about fund launches, management style and why he is the right person for...

HONG KONG ROUNDTABLE: A vast and populous continent

Asian investors are digitally savvy, especially in China, which leads the world in financial technology. Yet regional markets remain fragmented and progress on passporting...

PRODUCT: Dawn of a new era

The financial crisis of 2008 spawned a range of new product types as asset managers sought to regain investors’ trust – and their money....

Start-up aims to simplify compliance

A start-up that aims to make it simpler to issue and respond to due diligence questionnaires has signed up participating asset managers including Schroders,...

PALESTINE INTERVIEW: We’ll launch our first equity fund next year

Not many banks plant olive trees, but the Bank of Palestine has a social mission. It also has ambitious expansion plans, says chairman Hashim...

FINTECH: A revolution restrained

Despite the hype around fintech, the finance industry is resistant to disruption – for good reasons. George Mitton reports from Sibos in Geneva. “If you...

A-SHARES: Who’s bringing their ‘A’ game?

Despite improved accessibility, managers of China funds are still wary of investing on the mainland. George Mitton reports. The green water of Hong Kong’s harbour...

OLD VERSUS NEW: Change or fail

Managers of Chinese equities draw a distinction between the old and the new China, but this dichotomy is simplistic, finds George Mitton. The 2014 film...

INTERVIEW: It’s in the name

JP Morgan Asset Management says it has gained the first wholly foreign-owned entity (WFOE) licence that permits fund management in mainland China. George Mitton...

RENMINBI BONDS: Fashionably late

China’s bond market is on track, some say, to be the world’s biggest, but concerns about systemic risk dissuade foreign investors. George Mitton reports. Every...

ROUNDTABLE: Rules of the game

Our panel of China experts discussed financial technology, policy flip-flops in Beijing and whether MSCI should include A-shares in its Emerging Markets index. Chaired...

